Why can’t we use Google Maps to understand patient journeys?

google timeline v patient journeys

Patient experiences are diverse and dynamic. Mapping patient journeys enables us to unlock salient insights and redesign care pathways.

The data privacy controversy has highlighted how much information can now be collected about each of us.

Discovering the ‘Your timeline’ function in Google Maps was an eye opener; all the details of my movements since the purchase of my android phone were mapped out by date and location.[1]

If only mapping the interaction a patient has with their healthcare touchpoints was as easy, avoiding the roundabouts and blind alleys, and fast-tracking sufferers to treatment success.

However, characterising the nuances of the care pathway from initial signs and symptoms requires carefully designed multi stakeholder primary research studies if real-world insights are to be generated.

Patient journeys are messy, much like the detour taken in my Google Map Timeline above; individual experiences vary and need to be captured to enable appropriate solutions to be developed.Insights from a recently conducted Porterhouse Insights quantitative study into a poorly defined disease highlights the range of experiences patients may undergo – in this case, only French GPs broadly agree that they are the main stakeholders in the management of these patients.

Patient management graph

Nonetheless, well-designed, insightful, strategic Patient Journey Mapping allows biopharmaceutical companies to develop strategies that address the needs of all key stakeholders and that, importantly, avoid pitfalls.

For a conversation about how we can help generate actionable insight, drop me a line at Porterhouse Insights: fabrice.allum@porterhouseinsights.com, or visit: www.porterhouseinsights.com

[1] easily erased

by Fabrice Allum
Managing Director
Porterhouse Insights