The Porterhouse Virtual Bake Off: More charity fun-draising at Porterhouse

Porterhouse Virtual Bake Off


As the sun is still shining, the Porterhouse team have continued the summer theme in our latest charity event to raise money for First Days Children’s Charity – the Porterhouse Virtual Bake Off!

The rules were simply to bake a cake (or other culinary delight) and decorate it with the essence of summer. The entrants made a charitable donation and sent photos of their bake into one of the charity team to be judged by our special ‘A’ list guest judges – the dreaded Debbie and fearsome Fabrice. As a virtual event, the entrees were (sadly) judged solely based on looks, but the enthusiastic entrants excelled themselves with an array of summer treats.

It was a tough competition, however we are delighted to announce Diana as the Star Baker with her colourful summer fruit cheesecake.

Big congratulations to our winner and thank you to our charity team (Izzy, Lucy, Paula, and Sarah) for organising the bake off, to the judges (who didn’t have to travel anywhere) and to all those who took part. Your enthusiasm and generosity make us very proud! 😊

About First Days Children’s Charity

First Days reduces the effects of poverty on children by providing them everything they need in their early years and at school. All children deserve the same start in life – First Days helps over 2000 children a year who are living in poverty across Berkshire and the UK.