How Porterhouse Medical raised £1,924 for Alexander Devine Children’s Hospice

At Porterhouse Medical, we are passionate about the work we do to help improve people’s lives. We are also passionate about doing our bit for charity, so in early 2016 we launched a special fundraising initiative: to adopt a local charity for which we will fundraise throughout the year. This year, we are proud to be supporting the Alexander Devine Children’s Hospice Service (

The Alexander Devine Children’s Hospice is a local charity that was set up by John and Fiona Devine following the premature and unexpected passing of their son Alexander. The charity offers both a dedicated hospice (once the new building has been completed) and in-home support by specialised nurses. Currently, a children’s hospice is not available in Berkshire, so the care provided by the Alexander Devine Children’s Hospice is vital to local families going through enormously difficult times.

Alexander’s Care Team provides the specialist care that families need to stay at home together for as long as possible, creating life-long memories – this year they have doubled the direct care delivery to families in the community which is a fantastic achievement. They are currently supporting 86 families in our community and the Care Team has expanded to include two additional nurses and a carer – who will enable them to continue expanding their services to the extraordinary children.

The children’s hospice, an anticipated  ‘home from home’, will provide even more specialist paediatric palliative care to children when in opens its doors next year and is already a very inspirational building.’

In order to support the Alexander Devine charity, the Porterhouse team came up with lots of great fundraising ideas. One of the most enthusiastically received ideas was the launching of the Porterhouse tuck shop, which stocks a range of sweet and savoury snacks that help to fuel the team throughout the day. Other successful fundraising initiatives have included Rachael’s sponsored half marathon (a great way to burn off the extra calories from the tuck shop treats!), pub quizzes, bake sales, and the pledge by a number of team members to have the pence deducted from their salaries. To really boost our fundraising efforts, the Porterhouse company agreed to match any money raised through these various activities.

With just a few months left until the end of the year, we are very proud to announce that we have raised £1,924.86 for the Alexander Devine Children’s Hospice!

‘Thank you once again for your valued support from all at Porterhouse Medical– together we are making a huge difference to the lives of local children suffering from life-limiting and life-threatening conditions’

Jessica Lamont, Corporate Fundraiser

We are all hugely proud of this effort, and pleased that the money is going to a really great cause.