Celebrating double PhD success in Nottingham-based scientific services team

Photo_Steven Gibney and Hannah Tomlin


Porterhouse Medical Group is proud to announce the PhD successes of two of our Medical Writers in Nottingham-based scientific services team.

First, we would like to congratulate Dr Hannah Tomlin, who has recently celebrated her delayed graduation from 2021 for her PhD in gene regulation from the University of Nottingham’s School of Pharmacy.

Second, we are delighted to congratulate Dr Steven Gibney for passing his PhD viva in advanced therapeutics and nanomedicine at the University of Nottingham.

Big congratulations to you both! We are proud of your achievements and look forward to your continued success and development as part of the Porterhouse family.

At Porterhouse Medical Group, all our medical writers have a solid scientific background, allowing them to quickly get to grips with new products, understand and develop key communication objectives, and interpret complex data with accuracy and precision. They combine this with exceptional attention to detail and keen commercial thinking to deliver creative, impactful solutions that are scientifically sound and compliant with all relevant codes of practice.

If you would like to find out more about the powerful insight-driven, scientific and medical communications programmes offered by our group, please visit porterhousemedical.com/our-approach/.

Or, for opportunities to join our growing, globally acclaimed agency, please visit porterhousemedical.com/careers