News & Views: Events

The team at Porterhouse Medical is thrilled that Rob Pilbrow (group director, scientific services), has been selected as a finalist for Healthcare Communications Leader in the Communique Awards 2018.
There’s no substitute for face-to-face meetings. But meetings require a significant investment, with often substantial venue and travel costs, as well as the opportunity costs of the audience and organiser’s time. Therefore, it’s vital for meeting owners to maximise the value of their investment, and for attendees to feel like it was a worthwhile use of their time.
At Porterhouse Medical, we are passionate about the work we do with our partners to help improve people’s lives, which includes using our communications expertise to help raise awareness of disease symptoms as well as making regular donations to charity.
The Rare Disease Day campaign aims to combat these issues by raising awareness among the public, healthcare professionals, researchers, industry, and policy decision-makers.
Every year on 4 February the global population unites for World Cancer Day, with the aim of highlighting that millions of potentially avoidable deaths occur each year as a result of cancer. More than a third of cases could be prevented by adopting healthier behaviours; therefore, World Cancer Day is the ideal opportunity to spread this message and raise the profile of cancer within the global media.
The Porterhouse Medical Group is a proud sponsor of the 17th Annual International Publication Planning Meeting (San Diego, February 5-6), Strategies to Improve Operations and Compliance in Medical Communications
Hot topics at the 16th EURetina Congress include age-related macular degeneration, diabetic retinopathy and imaging.
Wednesday 8 June was the fifth annual MedComms Day, an opportunity for med comms professionals across the globe to share their experiences of life in our fantastic industry.