Congress effectiveness management: Maximising the ROI of your scientific meetings

Congress Effectiveness Management

Annual scientific meetings provide delegates with the perfect occasion for data dissemination and networking, with pharmaceutical companies and their target audiences being in the same location for 3–5 days. Scientific congresses provide a significant occasion to establish new advances in education, promote high-quality research and determine authentic scientific developments. The publication of new data is often targeted for release around these significant meetings, allowing for the distribution and correlation of key results, with the ultimate aim being patient benefit.

Sponsoring congress activities presents an important opportunity for pharmaceutical companies and comprises a significant part of both medical and commercial budgets. As a result, pharmaceutical companies are keen to show a return on investment for this ongoing annual expenditure, so there is more demand than ever to indicate areas where analytics can be shown to clearly demonstrate the value of the meetings.

The Porterhouse Medical Group is a scientific and medical communications agency with a reputation for excellence. At Porterhouse Medical, we have developed Congress Support Packages to assist in ensuring that the budget for annual scientific congresses reflects fair market value and a suitable, quantifiable return on investment.

The personal touch is always present with our Events, Creative and Account teams at the Porterhouse Medical Group. These teams understand the time required for congress liaison and have proven their expertise and reliability. At Porterhouse Medical, we are trusted to negotiate and provide targeted support to busy marketing and medical personnel. Our approach begins with negotiating beneficial terms and, subsequently, providing ongoing positive liaison with congress secretariats. We ensure that all components of annual scientific meetings are organised centrally, including event sponsorship, industry symposia, logistics, advertising, exhibition branding and booth management. We work in a client-specific way and ensure that the global brand strategy highlighted at scientific congresses is specially tailored and effectively translated to key national events. We ensure the message is continuous and the delivery adaptable for several regional variations.

Our Scientific Services team is able to successfully communicate data, patient studies and related content via compelling and engaging narratives. The team is able to deliver the messages of annual scientific meetings in a range of innovative ways to ensure new levels of discussion, demonstrable crucial insights and, ultimately, positive and effective behavioural change.

At Porterhouse Medical, we have remained at the forefront of the industry by utilising insight, research and evidence generation to build strong narratives that encapsulate and deliver key messages to congress participants. Case studies that demonstrate the patient journey and identify supportive, meaningful engagement are demonstrated at key symposia. With the use of video and digital display content at congress booths and at supplementary support meetings, these studies can then be re-enforced.

Alongside these long-established offerings, our Porterhouse Insights team is available to provide integrated solutions to enhance client objectives. The Insights team validates strategic thinking by using the latest advances in insight generation analytics and technology. Our evidence-based tool, the Porterhouse BPS (Behavioural Promoter Score), measures the impact of educational interventions and communication programmes, including scientific meetings and congresses. The data are captured from the event participants in an accessible format and highlight changes in the key behavioural domains of capability, opportunity and motivation. Porterhouse BPS outputs can be used to inform strategic communication plans and facilitate granular course corrections.

Porterhouse BPS diagram
The Porterhouse behaviour change tool

At Porterhouse Medical, we fulfil the full range of requirements for annual scientific congresses. We are a trusted, reliable partner that drives engagement and delivers results at every level.

If you would like any further information relating to our congress management services, market research and insights, or other medical and scientific solutions, please contact: or visit: