Image for World Heart Day stating that 80% of premature deaths caused by cardiovascular disease are preventable
World Heart Day | Painting a Heart-Healthy Future

  Each year, cardiovascular disease (CVD) claims approximately 19 million lives, solidifying its position as the world’s leading cause of death (and the second biggest in the UK) [1]. The impact of CVD goes beyond the loss of lives; it also puts a significant financial strain on nations. In the UK alone, CVD-related expenses reach an …

Time to put cardiovascular disease firmly back in the spotlight
Time to put cardiovascular disease firmly back in the spotlight

Since the 1960s – when more than half of all deaths in the UK were attributable to cardiovascular disease (CVD) – tremendous progress has been made in terms of improving treatments and awareness of the impacts of lifestyle among the general public. However, there has been a worrying decline in statistical improvement over the last 10 years, our article looks at why…