Coronavirus: The search for a vaccine

Our article looks at vaccines and the work that is taking place by many academic institutes, pharmaceutical companies and biotechnology companies to develop a vaccine against COVID-19

Emerging zoonosis: Is there something about bats?

In light of the possible origins of the COVID-19 pandemic being traced to ‘wet markets’ in China, our article looks at the importance of understanding zoonosis (transmission of a disease from animals to humans) and the possible link between bats and the disease..

Stressed doctor_Porterhouse Medical Advisory Group
COVID-19: Social distancing and the impact of the pandemic on healthcare professionals

The Porterhouse MAG looks at the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic and effect this unprecedented time is having on healthcare professionals

Porterhouse shares the love with Love A Medic awards

Read about Porterhouse Medical’s new scheme to show our gratitude to NHS staff during the COVID-19 pandemic

World Parkinsons Day
World Parkinson’s Day 2020: The impact of COVID-19 on patients with Parkinson’s disease

To support World Parkinson’s Day 2020, we look at this common neurodegenerative condition and the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on people affected by Parkinson’s disease.

COVID treatment
COVID-19: The search for a cure

As coronavirus continues to spread persistently throughout our cities, towns and villages, we look at the treatment options on the horizon to stop the propagation of this potentially deadly disease.

COVID-19: Just another coronavirus?
COVID-19: Just another coronavirus?

Porterhouse looks at what we know about COVID-19 so far, and why it is being managed differently to other coronaviruses.