How Porterhouse took the right PATH in 2016

2016 was an amazing year for Porterhouse. In addition to recording a record turnover and profit for our year ending September 2016, we also won the Queen’s Award for Enterprise 2016 (international trade) and received Investors in People accreditation at the silver level at our first attempt. We were also highly commended in two other business awards.

These honours reflect the hard work by our amazing team and the large investment we made in our staff and premises in 2015. As well as refurbishing the offices, we put in place a number of measures to ensure that staff morale is kept at a high level. These included developing core values and a vision statement that permeates all our business practices, and much work has been done to incorporate these values into our everyday working lives.

Our core values comprise …

Proud and passionate we are Porterhouse

A shared spirit of entrepreneurship and ambition

Together as a family we grow and flourish

Humour and happiness in our working lives

… and are collectively known as the Porterhouse PATH.

So much has happened that it is hard to capture it all without drowning you in words. Instead, we have created an infographic to highlight some of the key elements of our amazing year.

As we welcome in 2017, we would like to thank our teams, clients and suppliers, without whom this would not have been possible.

Happy New Year, everyone!