Header image for awareness article showi\shining a light on psoriasis
Shining a light on psoriasis: Beneath the surface of a chronic autoimmune condition

Psoriasis is a common inflammatory disease that affects around 1.8 million people in the UK and 125 million people worldwide. August is Psoriasis Awareness Month, an event that aims to educate people about the disease, its causes and the various treatment methods available [1, 2]. Psoriasis presents as scaly plaques on the skin [3]. Although psoriasis primarily affects …

Title page for an article on the impact of an autoimmune diseaseLupus
Making Lupus Visible: Shining a light on a complex autoimmune disease

  What is lupus? Lupus is a complex, chronic autoimmune disease that affects at least 5 million people worldwide [1]. Multiple organ systems are affected, ranging from relatively mild skin involvement to severe organ damage, such as kidney and heart failure [2]. Although the aetiology of lupus remains poorly understood, interaction between environmental and genetic factors …

World Lupus Day 2022: Raising awareness and understanding of lupus

World Lupus Day, held annually on 10 May, is a day for lupus organisations, health practitioners, researchers, and individuals with lupus across the world to collectively raise awareness of this incurable condition [2]. Here at Porterhouse Medical Group, we are adding our voice to this initiative by sharing our knowledge about this overlooked and potentially life-threatening …

World Lupus Day
World Lupus Day 2020: Raising awareness on behalf of the 5 million people around the world living with lupus

In support of #WorldLupusDay, our article looks at this disease to help increase public awareness of this often overlooked condition.