Ovarian Cancer
Ovarian cancer: Current treatments and future hopes

Ovarian cancer is the second most lethal gynaecological cancer worldwide. To raise awareness of this often fatal disease, our article looks at its symptoms, current treatments and future therapies:

World Hemophilia Day 2019
World Hemophilia Day 2019 – Reaching Out: The First Step to Care

To support World Hemophilia Day 2019, our infographic highlights three important facts about bleeding disorders to help raise awareness of the urgent need for ‘treatment for all’. Please take a look …

International Day of Happiness: The pursuit of happiness in the workplace

It is well known that the United Nations has core goals to tackle matters such as eliminating poverty, improving gender equality and combatting climate change 1, but did you know that happiness also features on the agenda? 2 In 2011, all 193 member states of the United Nations agreed to officially recognise happiness as a …

#RareDiseaseDay_#Primary Sclerosing Cholangitis
Rare Disease Day 2019: A patient perspective on primary sclerosing cholangitis

To help raise awareness for Rare Disease Day, our intern interviewed Debbie, the office manager at Porterhouse Medical, on what it’s like to live with a rare disease.

World Cancer Day

For World Cancer Day, we highlight some global statistics on cancer, to help increase understanding of the disease and change behaviours that cause so many potentially avoidable deaths occur each year.

Haematology developments from ASH 2018
Highlights in haematologic malignancy from ASH 2018

The ASH congress is the most comprehensive haematology event of the year, over 5000 abstracts covering new developments in malignant and non-malignant haematology were presented. Here we focus on two areas of personalised medicine from the oncology setting.

World AIDS Day: Fighting the stigma surrounding HIV
World AIDS Day 2018: Fighting the stigma surrounding HIV

World AIDS Day aims to not only raise awareness of HIV/AIDS and show support for those living with HIV, but also to tackle the stigma and misconceptions surrounding the condition. One way in which we can try to change how people think about HIV is to dispel the numerous myths surrounding it.

World Pancreatic cancer day
World Pancreatic Cancer Day: Combating misconceptions in pancreatic cancer

Patients diagnosed with pancreatic cancer face a dismal prognosis, with the disease having the lowest survival rate of all major cancers. In spite of this, pancreatic cancer research is chronically underfunded and awareness is low, in part because of widespread misconceptions regarding the disease. This World Pancreatic Cancer Day, let’s educate ourselves so that we can all ‘Demand Better’ in the fight against the world’s toughest cancer.

PANDAS/PANS Awareness Day 2018: What are PANDAS and PANS?

For PANDAS/PANS Awareness Day, we would like to help raise awareness and understanding of these often underdiagnosed diseases.

Congress Effectiveness Management
Congress effectiveness management: Maximising the ROI of your scientific meetings

Sponsoring congress activities presents an important opportunity for pharmaceutical companies and comprises a significant part of both medical and commercial budgets. As a result, pharmaceutical companies are keen to show a return on investment for this ongoing annual expenditure, so there is more demand than ever to indicate areas where analytics can be shown to clearly demonstrate the value of the meetings.

World Heart Day
World Heart Day: Looking after your own heart and the hearts of others

At Porterhouse Medical, we are proud and passionate about the work we do with our partners to help improve people’s lives. For World Heart Day, we would like to share some facts about cardiovascular health and ways to improve it.

Porterhouse BPS logo
Behaviour change: Five things you probably suspected, but weren’t sure about…

Fabrice Allum, managing director of Porterhouse Insights, looks at behaviour change and introduces the Porterhouse BPS.