News & Views: Articles

For World Sight Day 2019, our article looks at some of the most common causes of avoidable blindness and how we can tackle this problem globally.
One of our key values here at Porterhouse Medical Group is ‘Together as a family, we grow and flourish’; therefore, we are delighted that Rose and Rebecca have undertaken a mental health first aid course.
It is estimated that 800,000 people take their lives each year globally, equating to one person every 40 seconds. For World Mental Health Day, our article aims to improve awareness of suicide, reduce stigma and let those who are struggling know they are not alone.
To help raise awareness and understanding of these rare and often underdiagnosed diseases, Jon Hallows, Joint MD at Porterhouse shares his own experience as a parent of a son recently diagnosed with PANDAS
For PANDAS/PANS Awareness Day, we would like to help raise awareness and understanding of these often underdiagnosed diseases.
To support National Eye Health Week and World Retina Day, our article aims to promote good eye health and raise awareness for those affected by age-related macular degeneration (AMD)
To support World Alzheimer’s Day, our article aims raise awareness of the symptoms of and treatments for dementia, and the daily challenges that patients face.
To support Jeans for Genes Day 2019, here we focus on Huntington’s disease to raise awareness for the children and their families affected by this genetic disorder.
At Porterhouse, we are proud and passionate about the work we do with our partners to improve people’s lives. In this instance, our article looks at lymphoma and the latest advances in the personalised treatment of the disease.
Porterhouse Medical looks at some of the opportunities and challenges presented by the rare disease market, and how successfully navigating the space requires a different approach to medical communications.
In a world focused on improving outcomes, the days when drugs sold themselves on data alone have long gone. Our article explores effective advocacy in the pharmaceutical sector and why it is so important.
The theme for #WorldMSDay 2019 is #MyInvisibleMS, which aims to raise awareness that although people with multiple sclerosis (MS) might look well, they may be experiencing unseen, debilitating symptoms. Our article to explores this issue further …